
Friday, March 9, 2012

Inverse proportions

Did it ever happen to you that you thought about inverse proportions in your relationships? I know, it's after holi and most of you are probably down and under with your hangovers but just a quick thought. Inverse proportions, for those of you, who are not mathematically equipped means, a little of something leading to a domino of something else.

It just struck me right know, this always has played a very important part in my life, the cheaper( in terms of brain value and in addition to my life) the company, the more I've had to compensate it by going to expensive places but the more rich the company, the cheaper places I'd like to go to. Hmm...what this that in my life there have been a lot of people, the ones who carried little value in my life, I had to go out with them to the bigger discs, the bigger restaurants , the drive in the biggest cars and so forth, simply  because I didn't think that they would add value to my life, so loud music and the big show would make it easier for me to bear them. On the other hand, the people who really mattered to me, I've entertained them at the cheapest bars may be even a street lane. I've had the best conversations in gardens, near the CRPF dhaba, or the by-lanes of Delhi or even Stuttgart today. Sometimes I've even entertained people on the train stations in Germany or in a comfortable ride on a train or auto or even in a bus ( which I'm unpopularity known not to take in India!)

My sisters or my best friends have led me in the most difficult times in funny places, rich by experience but cheap at cost. Hmm...I won't say that that makes me low maintenance but if at all very rich in experience. I just realized that the best experiences in life have not cost me a dime but "the-not-so-great" ones have cost me a fortune!

So, if you are a really good friend of mine, please don't splurge on me. No point. Chances are that me or someone great out there is just looking for some simple company and not your money. Inverse proportions on cost-benefit analysis!

I just had a great evening in my apartment and it cost me next to nothing, just some great music and great company. At that thought, think really hard as to what makes you really happy, "the show" or just some good company with may be a nice whiskey, great music and a great companion :)


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