As I looked up at the sky, where the stars had been replaced by rockets and other fire works, I wished for just that one minute, that may be this year, I will have to shine in spirit just a little brighter. It'll be a year of immense learnings. I want to make sure that in a few months time, I'm able to perfect my German to a coherent level. Also, I want to find myself painting, reading, writing and thinking much more. Last year I could have never imagined myself taking keen interest in the politics in my country or about stepping out of a system and embracing another one. But since then, I've had a lot of learning and adjusting to do.
I also wish that all the most adorable people in my life continue to succeed in their lives and pass on the glitter as much as they can ;) . I wish that my most beloved place on earth, New Delhi, becomes more patient and safe. And I wish that I can get to see it again in the near future and paint it in my colors as always!
Most of all I wish I stay how I am only better at what I do..amen..
Happy New year everyone :)